Codes And Policies
School codes and Policies
- The school hours are from 9: 25 am to 4 pm daily.
- Students must come to school regularly on time, neither too early nor too late, with proper books as per time table.
- Cleanliness must be maintained in school premises and class rooms.
- Communication in English within the school campus is mandatory.
- Irregular Attendance, habitual negligence in school work, dishonesty, obscenity in word or act, serious misconduct or threats even outside school are sufficient reasons for dismissal.
- Students should not be found in school uniform after the school hours
- The students will be fined for damaging school properties.
- CDs, Pen Drives, music players, cameras should not be brought to the school. If found in possession these things will be confiscated. No Books, Newspapers, periodicals other than the school books may be brought into the class.
- Students are strictly prohibited from bringing Mobile Phones to school.
- Classes I and II will not function on Saturdays
- No student is to leave the class without the permission of the class teacher. The permission of the principal is necessary to leave the school premises before 4 pm.
To deal effectively with the mounting stress faced by today's children, a panel of efficient teacher counselors give timely guidance and help the children to combat the problems they face like exam fear, anxiety and other behavioral problems. Parents have access to these counselors every Wednesday between 3: 50 and 4: 30 pm
- Mrs. Shanthi Nambiar
- Mrs. Rekha Venugopal
- Mrs. Jayanthi Rakesh
- Mrs. Sreeja M